Jeannette & Slade Luxury is all about unique bags and giving back
In a world full of designer handbags with big shiny logos, it’s refreshing to come across a luxury handbag line that’s all about the bag. I’ve always believed great design doesn’t need a logo. In fact, it’s a litmus test of whether the brand can stand on its own merit.
The luxury brand by Jeannette & Slade intentionally places their discreet logo inside the bag, and we’re allowed to appreciate the collection for its beauty, craftsmanship and originality. Did I mention that the handbags are one-of-a kind? The collection is priced at the high-end of the luxury market, but for good reason.
Fine Italian leathers of various shades, often metallic or embossed are paired with natural gem handles and embellishments. Contrasting colors that one wouldn’t think can work are strewn together to create a bold look that would be hard to be replicated.
And the best part of carrying a Jeannette & Slade Luxury bag is that even in the midst of the most glamourous people in the world, on the red carpet or not, you’ll never bump into someone carrying the same handbag. Far better to be asked, “Who are you carrying?” rather than by shouting it out with a big logo. The woman carrying the bag becomes the focus and not the other way around, which is the backbone of great style.
This exquisite jeweled leather accessories collection not only caters to women who are looking for something that not everyone has but at the same time supports economic upliftment locally and abroad. Designed in California by duo Jeannette Marie Mead and Jeremy Kahlil Slade, the collection is made in South Africa. Making Slow Fashion Fair Trade a priority and using a business model that strives to empower women by giving them the opportunity to work and earn a fair salary. Together they have plans in not only making a dent in the luxury accessories world but more importantly to make an impact with the people they work with both near and far.
Tell us in a few words how you would describe Jeannette and Slade?
We believe that no matter how small you are you are capable of thriving and making it to the top while uplifting others.
How did the idea for your brand come about?
It was something I always wanted to do and a matter of timing. I was at a fashion show at Kashmir Art Gallery in Santana Row. Waseem Raja the owner asked me what I do, and I said I would like to be in his gallery and that was how it all came about.
How did you meet Slade?
Slade and I met doing business, prior business.
Tell us a little about your background?
I was born in Napa Valley California, I was a model for many years and traveled the world for work from Japan to Hawaii. Slade was born in Nanakuli, Hawaii and previously owned a security company called Trustworthy Security LLC. for high retail stores in Waikiki.
Tell us about how the bags are made and what makes them unique?
We use the highest quality Italian leather and they are handmade, each one unique with genuine gemstones. Our exotic prints are embossed per California law and use of ostrich feathers are restricted to only those that are cut (and not plucked).
Describe your brand in three words: Excellence, Authenticity, Quality
What is your connection to South Africa and why did you decide to have your products made there? A group of previously disadvantaged women who sew our lovely handbags. Our brand was looking not only to be unique, but to make a positive difference, in the upliftment of the community.
What is your first handbag memory?
I was always in search of something different or limited editions so that’s why I’d like to think of our line as limited editions
Did you always want to do this?
I think it was always an idea in my head as a handbag lover to create something very few have.
You’ve been featured and interviewed by in some amazing channels in the media, tell us about some of the highlights:
Yes, we’ve been very fortunate to have been featured on TV and have been featured on Fox, NBC, CBS, CNBC, Channel 77 Sao Paulo Brazil and in Miami, Gujjaratv India, Frank Ruiz Channel 15 California Scenes California, VietTv and so many!
Who is your favorite designer?
Roberto Cavalli, Versace and London Goodman of LondonWear. (Slade; it’s Virgil Abloh).
What do you carry in your handbag?
A notebook, business cards, 2 cell-phones, make-up brands (some of my favorite brands are Pat McGrath Labs, Make Up For Ever and Fenty Beauty. I also always carry mace!
What has been the hardest part of running a business?
The time difference.
Where is your collection available?
Kashmir Art Gallery in Los Gatos, California, and the other in Blake Fine Arts in Monterey, California. We are hoping to expand our brand in Beverly Hills, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Japan, and Dubai.
What is the future of Jeannette & Slade?
A full line with leather jackets, shoes, dresses and make-up line.
Thank you Jeannette & Slade!
For more information visit: Jeannette & Slade Luxury Brand
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