Wearing the uniform of women who try hard to not care about the way they look.

I’ve become one of those women.
You know, the ones that buy gym clothes that will never see the inside of a gym. They wear fashion sneakers for doing their rounds at the mall. Always with their hair up in a bun, hiding behind dark shades and carrying flashy handbags to compensate for their other shortcomings.
I am one of those moms.
Which makes me think we are more alike than we are different. You and I, along with all the people you think you have nothing in common with. All struggling to fit in, to look like we belong, trying to keep it all together, being comfortable or not so comfortable under our skin.
Own who you are, make peace with your shortcomings, celebrate your strengths, live intentionally, speak your truth, and remember we are so much more than our appearances and our fashion labels.
P.S. I went in to buy printer paper (forgot to buy it) and came out buying this outfit and more (hoodie, leggings and tee). The #joylab collection at Target is a versatile range of mix and match “sportswear” with eclectic prints and cozy fabrics which means you can still look “put together” while doing mom duties.
Sportswear: Target #joylabtarget
Sneakers: Pollini
Sunglasses: Bulgari
Bag: Chanel
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